Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More good news from China... THANKS CLINTON!

If there is one thing that should be easily done by pendents on both sides of the political isle is to condemn as treasonous out of hand, the Clinton administration of the 1990s for allowing the Chinese access to our classified technologies, whether through direct collusion, or by incompetence, or more probably, both. A direct result of this abomination of national security, is China's rapid development of a space program and the rocket technology that goes along with said space program.

And what goes along with a space program? Thats right kiddies! I ICBM program!

And now we get the news that China thinks they have (and it seems the Navy agrees) a weapon that can get definitive one shot kills on US super-carriers, the primary means of the United State's projecting its power overseas.


So everyone thank the Clinton's for giving our enemies the means to think they have a chance to defeat us.
Not that they could, this just will make things messier than it should have been when we go toe to toe to with the ChiComs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Retards take a bow... again

I came across this link through I think HOT AIR: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20090322/NEWS01/903220312/-1/TODAY

Within you will find a sad story of a dim witted girl who sent a nudie of herself to her boyfriend who then distributed it amongst the entire world. Said girl was thereupon covered by a deluge of messages informing her of her loose sexual practices. The girl subsequently committed suicide because of said deluge.

If your like me you said "Jee that's too bad... wish she hadn't been retarded" and went to move on. ahh but that’s not the whole story. Said retard's mother is not owning up to the fact that she clearly raised a retard with loose sexual practices ohhh no its not her fault for not knowing what her daughter was up to with her boyfriend noooo nor is it her daughter's fault for making retarded decisions heavens no!... its the EVIL TEXT MESSAGE!!! (hide your children) also its the schools’ fault for not stopping all this mean behavior.

And she wants laws to stop all this stuff from ever happening again.

Bloody hell, what’s sad is she will probably get her bloody legislation too.

Lets recap how retarded this 18 year old (ie. completely legal) girl was shall we?

First Retardation: She is in a relationship with a boy who presumably is pressuring her for sex and other things ... ladies if you’re in a relationship like this... *WARNING*

Second Retardation: Little Ms. Retard not only staid in said relationship but took a naked picture of herself... and sent it electronically to her boyfriend.

Third Retardation: Instead of owning up to her mistakes and dealing with the fallout like an adult (your 18 and taking nudies for your boyfriend ... your a bloody adult) and moving on with her life Our little retard lynches herself this means she took up the mantel of FULL RETARD!

Now, if you think I'm being hard on this girl, your right, I am, that’s only because her mom rather than just accepting that her daughter made a series of mistakes culminating in the only mistake that can't be reversed... suicide. she is trying to infringe on the lives of everyone to make herself feel better. Also she is pointing fingers at just about everyone in the entire area and casting blame about. These are not adult things to be doing and this is a microcosm of why America is in the dwindling days of its freedom... complete disconnection of action / consequence and responsibility.

God save us all. And for heaven’s sake America toughen up! if insults are all it takes to drive you to give your .45 a blowjob... well just hurry up so the rest of us can get on with our lives cause dude! You’re not gonna make it!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What our Country needs.

I have heard many people say many different things about what our country needs to survive. Some from the left say we need socialism or a lightened version of Soviet Communism, but through that the freedoms and liberty that we enjoy here would die, so I don't see that as really surviving at all.

Some on the right point to various party leaders like Bobby Jindal or Sarah Palin, saying in effect they are our version of Comrade Zero, a conservative savior to be more direct. Others look to Reagan, seeing his guiding principals and expertise at communicating those principals as what would be a cleansing flood for our country.

Others see our nation as defunct already, to steal a quote "Its too late to work within the system and too early to shoot the bastards" and are rooting for its [our nations] disintegration, some with hopes of being new founding fathers, and others with aims far more base and visceral that I will not mention here.

I see all these as flawed beyond use, not because I don't love Ronald Reagan or Sarah Palin or even Bobby Jindal, I do but I don't think they are what our nation needs right now. We have been devoured by incrimentalism, a gradual shift to the left, and I don't think one leader will do the trick, at least not a leader from the GOP.

To fix our nation, to return it to its founding principles, to get back to "The United States are" instead of "The United States is" we need not a revolution of guns, but a revolution of thinking. And here’s why, without a massive shift in the way our nation thinks from the inner-city ghetto dwellers to the elite of Hollywood and Washington, it won't matter who happens to be in charge of the funny looking house on Pennsylvania Av. or which party controls the senate, or even if we burn these things down and build new ones, on a new set of rules. The people being chosen to represent the Citizens of our nation will come from that body of Citizens, and without a change in mindset of everyone, we will have the same people running things we have now, just with different faces and different letters in front of their name.

Education is the crux of everything, when we moved from little red school houses to conglomerated state run schools, we gave the keys to the minds of future generations to the government, and one could say that public schooling was the first step to total socialism in the USA. Because there is one thing that a government does very well other than kill people and break things, and that’s acquire power through any means. And when we gave them our kids we gave them the power to influence what they considered normal, their morals, and perhaps more important than anything, their understanding of history.

You see it doesn't really matter where you learn math 1+1 =2 everywhere even in Communist Russia. But when children and parents get used to the idea that the kids have to go to school or the government is going to come and throw you in jail, and you know that "just the way things are" or even worse "that’s how things are supposed to work" that is a bit of education that you can only get from socialized education. And just because Gorge Washington actually crossed the Delaware Riving on Christmas Eve 1776, and that’s what you and I learned, in a socialized school you only get to learn those things that are convenient for you to know about. Now you are going to say that we learn history correctly, now aren't you? Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but while much of our history is communicated in great detail, it’s telling to see what isn't included. For example, if your history book actually has any portion of George Washington’s farewell address, it will be an extremely edited cut down version containing none of the emotion or content that it contains. And while the editing of one speech is not going to send us spiraling down the past to social devastation, and we really don’t have complete widespread selective editing of vast portions of our nation’s history, at the moment the editing is confined to selectively removing religion and character from our founding fathers. However the topic of history has been so marginalized that it’s nearly irrelevant anyhow.

I would rather have my children (when I have them) have a working knowledge of history, than a working knowledge of mathematics. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, and I’m not talking about the nice and happy parts like the invention of the light bulb or the ratification of the Constitution, I’m talking about the bits like 720,000 dead in the American civil war, and 16 million dead in World War 1.
You can tell how short people’s memories are when socialism and a watered down version of fascism are running amok (what exactly is a mok anyway and why does it run?) in Europe and people in the US can’t really seem to understand why it’s a bad thing. If inside 70 years, 20 years, if you want to reference the fall of the Soviet Union as a starting point, which it probably isn’t because Europe has been tracking socialist ever since the end of World War 2; some argue that’s because of Soviet encouragement and funding to socialist movements inside western Europe and the USA… which seems logical to me, but I digress. Anyhow if inside 70 years socialism or democratic socialism which is the catch phrase now can take such a hold on western Europe and Canada as to be considered a legitimate political philosophy, and have the US overwhelmingly elect the most socialistically inclined President and Congress in the history of the Republic, it is patently obvious that the West has forgotten what tyranny and oppression feel like. Is 70 years really so long a time that we cannot remember the weight of the heel of government on the necks of free people everywhere? A properly educated population with an understanding of the consequences of the various political, social and fiscal positions will never willingly choose a leftist agenda over traditional Western values. It is only within the uneducated masses, and history can bear this out, in Russia, China, Vietnam, and coming soon to a metropolis near you, the USA socialism sprouted and took root within the uneducated and uninformed masses.
It’s important to note that Socialism has taken a different route to dominance in the United States, in most situations a few leaders round up support for socialistic / communistic policies within the uneducated population at large and then either overthrows the government, or infiltrates the government and foists the new ideals upon the rest of the country. Here however the socialist movement made an attempt at the traditional method back in the 60s and 70s hell even back in the 20s and 30s and got nowhere, and they made a slight change of plans. Since they didn’t have enough people power to change the nation from the bottom up, they took control of the political class (yes we have one). And incrementally they have generated the uneducated, oppressed feeling underclass that they require to fully implement their socialist programs. The sad thing ladies and gentlemen is that it has worked almost completely. The uneducated college graduate and the lower class people, those with little money and apparently less ambition have reached what is close to critical mass, each willing to sacrifice their liberty in exchange for the programs and promises coming from the left. And while they don’t outnumber us yet, the number of people who really don’t get it, and are more concerned with other things than politics tend to combine with these automatons of the left when the appropriate feel-good words are whispered in their ears. And together they do outnumber us, and they may outnumber us by more than even I realize simply because there are a number of people who vote our way in elections for little to no reason. They simply check ‘R’ because that’s what they always do.

We sell ourselves cheaply, for simple and silly things like healthcare or a retirement package and in doing so we train the next generation to do the same. If we want our country back, we have to decide that if we call ourselves Americans we are beholden to the promise set down by our founding fathers to one another, of lives and fortunes and sacred honor. To instill the ideals, values and knowledge required to maintain a free republic in our children and ourselves.
And beyond that we must find leaders from the body of Americans who believe as we do, that traditional American values aren’t just a set of political positions, one among many acceptable alternatives, but the only values, the only principals that can keep our country. And we must all be willing to be those leaders. For our current party leadership simply does not have the intestinal fortitude, the strong adherence to our principals, to see us through the battles ahead.
