Wolf to sheep "I'm not hungry, don't call the sheepdog"
And so how does our lord and savior BO go about playacting the masses? hehehe, sorry, he tells them basically "I'm not interested in taking your guns" I reference the link here: [Linky] OKOK stop laughing, as pointed out in the referenced material, BO is probably the most anti gun president we have ever had, based purely upon his prior record, BO has voted "an increase in federal excise taxes up to 500 percent for every gun and firearm sold".
BO says he is for common sense gun laws, to a liberal democrat, common sense gun laws are the laws that keep those scary guns far away from you and your helpless little children, which it will surly devour! Now which guns are the scary guns? Well, what guns do you have? Cause they are the scary ones!
I found the link from Mad Ogre who if you don't read, you should.
As an example I'ma quote him on the above:
"Arms are tools designed to be Weapons from the start if we are perfectly honest here. And our Bill of Rights protects our right to Arms. Our right to have WEAPONS. This isn't about going hunting with Dad. This is about essential Liberty. Unarmed, we are subjects. Armed, we are Citizens... and we are the final Check and Balance of our Government... we are the 4th Branch of our Government. An active participant in the governing of our selves, because it is all By The People, For The People... Not Above the People and Beyond the People like the Democrats would like you to believe and behave. "
If you ever want a gun, or the ammo to shoot it with, whether you think there is going to be a civil war, riots, a disaster wherein you have to hunt your own food, protect yourself, or if you just want to go to the range and plink every once in a while; you should buy whatever you think you’re going to need to do that with, then buy 2x that much. It is going to be a very tough next few years for us gunnies.
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